
Minsal informó 2.191 casos nuevos, llegando a 585.545 contagiados totales con Covid-19 en Chile

Se realizaron 50.285 exámenes PCR en las últimas 24 horas.

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SEATTLE, WA - DECEMBER 11: Dr. Jesse Erasmus dilutes a serum samples collected from animals that received a replicon, or replicating, RNA vaccine being developed to combat Covid-19 (SARS-CoV-2), at a microbiology lab at the University of Washington School of Medicine on December 11, 2020 in Seattle, Washington. Scientists are hoping this nucleic acid vaccine will only need one dose to be effective against the coronavirus and that it won't need to be stored in a deep freeze. This replicon RNA vaccine has been tested on mice and macaque monkeys and is in early stage clinical development with HDT Bio who will be leading the clinical trials of it in the United States. The serum samples will help determine the quantity of neutralizing antibodies. (Photo by Karen Ducey/Getty Images)

SEATTLE, WA - DECEMBER 11: Dr. Jesse Erasmus dilutes a serum samples collected from animals that received a replicon, or replicating, RNA vaccine being developed to combat Covid-19 (SARS-CoV-2), at a microbiology lab at the University of Washington School of Medicine on December 11, 2020 in Seattle, Washington. Scientists are hoping this nucleic acid vaccine will only need one dose to be effective against the coronavirus and that it won't need to be stored in a deep freeze. This replicon RNA vaccine has been tested on mice and macaque monkeys and is in early stage clinical development with HDT Bio who will be leading the clinical trials of it in the United States. The serum samples will help determine the quantity of neutralizing antibodies. (Photo by Karen Ducey/Getty Images)

El Ministerio de Salud (Minsal) informó este domingo que hubo 2.191 casos nuevos de coronavirus Covid-19 en Chile en las últimas 24 horas, alcanzando un total de 585.545 contagiados desde el inicio de la pandemia.

En detalle, 1.411 pacientes presentaron síntomas, mientras que 740 fueron asintomáticos. En tanto, 40 no fueron informados.

Junto a lo anterior, se reportaron 53 fallecidos inscritos en las últimas 24 horas, llegando a un total de 16.154 muertos en el país.

De igual forma, indicaron que actualmente hay 13.105 casos activos y un total de 555.956 pacientes recuperados.

En tanto, se indicó que durante el último día se realizaron 50.285 exámenes PCR, llegando a un total de 6.062.168 test desde el inicio de la emergencia sanitaria.

Redes Asistenciales

En cuanto al estado de la red de salud, se informó que hay 663 hospitalizados en las UCI, 490 en ventilación mecánica, y 62 en estado crítico.

Asimismo, se cuenta con 312 respiradores disponibles en todo el país, y hay 9.701 cupos en residencias sanitarias.

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