
Estados Unidos derriba objeto volador no identificado sobre Canadá por orden de Trudeau

El primer ministro canadiense indicó que los restos serán recuperados y analizados.

IN FLIGHT - NOVEMBER 23:  The United States Air Force's F/A-22 Raptor, which will replace the F-15 bomber and is the first supersonic stealth fighter plane ever created flys over the Sierra Nevada Mountains November 23, 2002 in Northern California. The Raptor is said to be the most advanced plane ever designed and will be fully operational by 2005.  Onboard is the new generation of smart computers that have made its advances possible.  Whereas, for example, the Saturn V Rocket of 1967 had a computer onboard that ran on sixteen thousand lines of code, the Raptor's computer is programmed with two million lines of code.  Because it stores it missiles and fuel inside its body, moreover, it has exceptionally low aerodynamic drag. Add to this low drag the fact that it is virtually impossible to detect the Raptor by radar until it is too close to fire on, and it is safe to say that the Raptor gives the US doiminance in the skies. Each plane has over one million parts and it takes one thousand Lockheed Martin technicians one month to build one in their facilities in Marietta, Georgia.  With the Wright Brothers' historic flight celebrating its centennial in 2003, the world is now poised on the threshold of a new age in aviation, one where super-sonic jets refuel in flight, unmanned aerial vehicles track objects with astonishing accuracy, and airliners are maneuvered at times with minimal human participation.  The computer age is about to revolutionize aviation and the United States is unquestionably ahead of the curve in this revolution.  (Photo by Joe McNally/Getty Images)

IN FLIGHT - NOVEMBER 23: The United States Air Force's F/A-22 Raptor, which will replace the F-15 bomber and is the first supersonic stealth fighter plane ever created flys over the Sierra Nevada Mountains November 23, 2002 in Northern California. The Raptor is said to be the most advanced plane ever designed and will be fully operational by 2005. Onboard is the new generation of smart computers that have made its advances possible. Whereas, for example, the Saturn V Rocket of 1967 had a computer onboard that ran on sixteen thousand lines of code, the Raptor's computer is programmed with two million lines of code. Because it stores it missiles and fuel inside its body, moreover, it has exceptionally low aerodynamic drag. Add to this low drag the fact that it is virtually impossible to detect the Raptor by radar until it is too close to fire on, and it is safe to say that the Raptor gives the US doiminance in the skies. Each plane has over one million parts and it takes one thousand Lockheed Martin technicians one month to build one in their facilities in Marietta, Georgia. With the Wright Brothers' historic flight celebrating its centennial in 2003, the world is now poised on the threshold of a new age in aviation, one where super-sonic jets refuel in flight, unmanned aerial vehicles track objects with astonishing accuracy, and airliners are maneuvered at times with minimal human participation. The computer age is about to revolutionize aviation and the United States is unquestionably ahead of the curve in this revolution. (Photo by Joe McNally/Getty Images)

El primer ministro de Canadá, Justin Trudeau, anunció este sábado el derribo, por parte de un avión caza estadounidense F-22, de un objeto volador no identificado (OVNI) que se encontraba sobre el espacio aéreo canadiense.

«Ordené el derribo de un objeto no identificado que violó el espacio aéreo canadiense», indicó Trudeau a través de su cuenta de Twitter.

Según informó el mandatario, el OVNI fue abatido sobre el territorio de Yukón, al norte de Canadá, y sus restos serán recuperados y analizados por las fuerzas canadienses.

Este es el segundo impacto de este tipo, luego que esta semana se interceptara uno sobre el hielo marino cerca de Deadhorse, en Alaska. De hecho, Trudeau contó que se comunicó con el presidente de Estados Unidos, Joe Biden, un día después de este avistamiento.

Sobre ese primer OVNI abatido, el Pentágono entregó pocos detalles el viernes y se limitó a comentar que tenía el tamaño de un vehículo pequeño y que parecía no estar tripulado. De igual forma, los servicios de inteligencia estadounidenses continúan estudiando el objeto para recopilar más información de ellos.

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